After clicking through the warning you ll get to choose how you
In the next chapter, we’ll go over what you can do next to market or share your new journal or workbook.
Making changes after your book is published
It’s not unusual for authors to want to make changes to their books even after they’re live on Amazon.
This is probably why KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) and CreateSpace both make it so easy to do.
All you really need to do with CreateSpace is to go to your Member Dashboard and then select the book you want to change to get to its “Project Homepage.”
From there, you can select “Interior” and click on the “Change” button to upload a revised interior file.
CreateSpace will warn you about what you can and cannot change (the ISBN and your book’s trim size are locked and cannot be changed). After clicking through the warning, you’ll get to “Choose how you’d like to submit your interior.”
Under “Interior File,” you can click on “Upload a different file” (beneath the name of the file already uploaded) and search your computer for the new interior file, select it, and hit “Save.”
CreateSpace walks you through the process, and as long as you get to the see all green checks on the left-hand side of the screen – from “Title Information” to “Complete Setup” – you’re good to go.