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Wait, but why visual content?
The blog “Wait But Why” (http://waitbutwhy.com/) is an excellent example of great differentiation through visual content. Even though the blog gets hundreds of thousands of views each month, it’s still filled with simple stick figure illustrations.
If you have never been to this site, I recommend that you check it out. “Wait But Why” is a long form written blog that breaks down diverse topics relating to subtle things in life. Some posts are on science and others are on quirks in our interpersonal relationships.
“Wait But Why” masterfully uses visual content to help clarify the written ideas, to add comic relief, and to break up the long form posts into smaller chunks with pleasant visuals and very few paragraphs.
What makes the “Wait But Why” visual content endearing is the use of simple stick figures and illustrations that look like they were created by the team especially for that post. Despite their “low budget” appearance, the images add a lot of value to the content. Through their simplicity, the images actually do a very good job of communicating ideas quickly.
Storytelling with visual content
There are many different ways visual content can help you tell a better story.
AdEspresso (http://adespresso.com/) has a character that appears in almost all of the featured images on their blog. In many ways this character acts like a mascot for the company, creating something consistent that followers can relate to.